Thursday, June 4, 2009

Kahneman, Epicurus, Happiness

1. Commuting, promotions and happiness: Epicurus warns us not to pursue unnecessary things like wealth and status, because the desire for these things is never satisfied and they lead to more pain than pleasure. Kahneman warns simply against pursuing a promotion that means more time in the office away from family and friends, or a longer commute that lengthens the worst part of your day.

"Many men who acquire wealth do not find deliverance from evils but an exchange of their present evils for greater ones." - Epicurus

Tacitus finds this view in Stoic thought as well:
With regard to practical matters they maintain that popular ideas of good and bad are wrong: many people who appear to be in dire circumstances are actually happy provided they deal with their situation bravely; others, regardless of how many possessions they have, are miserable, because they do not know how to use the gifts of fortune wisely.
2. Friends: For Epicurus, friendship is the key to happiness. Kahneman simply observes that people report being happiest when they are socializing with friends.

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